Today's Date: *In order to accommodate your request in a timely fashion, please submit your request at least (1) month in advance. REMINDER! Please make sure whatever accommodations requeste are left in a decent and orderly manner.Email *Ministry: *Submitted By: *Submitted By Phone Number: *Date Requested: *Event Name: Event Time: *Alternate Date & Time: Please check the applicable categories you will be utilizing: Main SanctuaryFellowship HallKitchen - StoveKitchen - Using Hot TraysKitchen - Bringing food inClean Up CrewAudio/Video TeamWill you need assistance from the custodian? YesNoIf you need the custodian, explain what capacity you'll need their help: Are there any funds being requested from the church? YesNoA copy of this form will be given to Deacon Robert EnglishIf funds are needed, what's the amount and how will the funds be used? *Are tickets being sold? If so what price? All funds should be turned over to the church after the event and placed into the church's treasury.Are donations being requested? Are raffles being sold? Is food being prepared or brought in? NameSubmit